- 나의 몸 4 2025.02.02
- Swan Upon Leda 2025.01.05
- Cleaning Out the Rooms 2024.12.20
- Writing Online 2024.12.19
- Holland, 1945 2024.12.12
나의 몸 4
A husband waits outside
바깥에서는 남편이 기다리고 있고
A crying child pushes a child into the night
우는 아이가 다른 아이를 밤중으로 떠미네
She was told he would come this time
그녀는 그가 이번에는 올 것이라는 말을 들었지
Without leaving so much as a feather behind
깃털 하나 남겨두지 않은 채
To enact, at last, the perfect plan
그 완벽한 계획을, 드디어, 실현하기 위해
One more sweet boy to be butchered by men
남자들에게 도살당할 어여쁜 남자아이가 한 명 더
But the gateway to the world
하지만 세상으로 나아가는 문은
Was still outside the reach of him
여전히 그의 손에 닿지 않았고
Would never belong to angels
절대 천사들에게 속하지 않을 것이요
Had never belonged to man
한 번도 인간에게 속한 적 없다
The swan upon Leda
레다를 겁탈하는 백조
Empire upon Jerusalem
예루살렘에 세워진 왕국
A grandmother smuggling meds
약물을 밀수하는 할머니
Past where the god-child soldier, Sétanta, stood dead
반신 용사 세탄타가 죽은 채 서있던 곳을 지나
Our graceful turner of heads
우리의 우아한 고개를 돌리는 자는
Weaves through the checkpoints like a needle and thread
실과 바늘처럼 검문소를 지난다
Someone's frightened boy waves her on
누군가의 겁에 질린 아들이 그녀에게 지나가도록 손짓하고
She offers a mother's smile and soon, she's gone
그에게 어머니의 미소를 지어준 뒤 곧 그녀는 사라진다
The gateway to the world
세상으로 나아가는 문
The gun in a trembling hand
떨리는 손에 쥔 총
Where nature unmakes the boundary
자연이 경계선을 해체시키는 곳에
The pillar of myth still stands
전설 속 기둥은 여전히 서있다
The swan upon Leda
레다를 겁탈하는 백조
Occupier upon ancient land
고대의 땅을 점유하는 자
The gateway to the world
세상으로 나아가는 문은
Was still outside the reach of him
여전히 그의 손에 닿지 않았고
Would never belong to angels
절대 천사들에게 속하지 않을 것이요
Had never belonged to men
한 번도 인간에게 속한 적 없다
'Playlist' 카테고리의 다른 글
Cleaning Out the Rooms (0) | 2024.12.20 |
Holland, 1945 (0) | 2024.12.12 |
Like Him (0) | 2024.12.02 |
forwards beckon rebound (0) | 2024.11.27 |
Father (4) | 2024.11.22 |
In forest style am be in wood, where life is good, in a way
숲과도 같이 나는 나무들 사이에, 삶이 아름다운 곳에, 말하자면
Slept away, upon our hearts, in cold coal ceremonial
잠으로 빠져드는, 우리의 마음 속에, 차디찬 석탄의 축제에서
On a rainy day, hang it up
비 오는 날에 널어놓자
Get the vacuum and suck it in
진공청소기로 빨아들이자
Cleaning out the rooms, I'll clean it up
방을 말끔히 비우는 거야, 내가 치우도록 할게
Dark cloud, drifting out of view
어두운 구름이 시야 바깥으로 흘러가네
I'll never know, she'll be coming soon
그녀가 곧 오리라는 걸 난 절대 모를 거야
That is all
그게 전부야
I'll wake up in a new life, ship shape and shoe shine
나는 새로운 삶 속에 눈뜰 거야, 선박 생김새와 새신발 소리
Damn it all to do now, down by the seaside...
전부 지금 하기로 명명하고, 저 아래 바닷가에서...
Cleaning out the rooms, I'll clean it up
방을 말끔히 비우는 거야, 내가 치우도록 할게
She'll be coming soon
그녀가 곧 올 거야
Drifting into view, way in the west, white cloud
시야 안쪽으로 흘러오네, 저 멀리 서쪽에, 흰 구름
If everybody knew, I never knew, she'll be coming soon
모두가 알고 있었다면, 난 전혀 몰랐어, 그녀가 곧 오리라는 걸
I'll wake up in a new life, down by the seaside
나는 새로운 삶 속에 눈뜰 거야, 저 아래 바닷가에서
In a new life down by the seaside
저 아래 바닷가에서 새로운 삶 속에
Cleaning out the room, I'll clean it up, dark clouds
방을 말끔히 비우는 거야, 내가 치우도록 할게, 어두운 구름들
She'll be coming soon
그녀가 곧 올 거야
Down the chimney, out the window, that is all...
굴뚝 아래로, 창문 밖으로, 그게 다야...
'Playlist' 카테고리의 다른 글
Swan Upon Leda (3) | 2025.01.05 |
Holland, 1945 (0) | 2024.12.12 |
Like Him (0) | 2024.12.02 |
forwards beckon rebound (0) | 2024.11.27 |
Father (4) | 2024.11.22 |
Everyone has tried to keep a diary, and I truly mean everyone. I have never met anyone in my whole life who has never at least once tried to do so. I am also a victim to numerous empty New Year’s resolutions including said activity. Almost exactly a year ago, I started an online blog. I was not serious about keeping it updated at all, because it was originally my friend’s idea. Now I have over 50 posts since around May.
The main reason why I believe that posting online is better than keeping a real-life diary is because there is an audience. You need to think about what you want to convey to the vast anonymous network. You need to plan out your post, write it with care, and revise it so that the imagined audience understands your point. There needs to be a point, even if it is insignificant to the verge of becoming useless slop content, because you are posting to an audience. For me, personally, I tend to think in pieces and shards. When writing to myself, I do not feel the need to string those thoughts together and the entry becomes almost nonsensical. When writing online, I have to consider my readers. I have a few friends who visit my blog and we sometimes talk about each other’s posts, or directly communicate on the blog by commenting. It is very endearing and serves as a window to each other’s minds, more so than just talking or chatting online, or even keeping an exchange diary. This is because reading someone’s online post is a choice, almost like a subtle statement saying that I am truly interested in what you have to say.
Another benefit to online blogs is that it is free. You do not need to buy a fancy diary or stacks of stickers and pens to decorate and customize your blog. You can simply tweak some codes and insert jpgs or gifs to make your blog unique. It does not take much time nor effort, and the possibilities are practically endless. You can always change how your blog looks and operates. You can add widgets to show the time, weather, or even a stock market graph if you are into finances. There is also the possibility of making money off of posting online, but I personally do not condone posting advertisements for the sake of pocket money. But for some people, it can make a genuine living, and it can also become a gateway into journalism or online marketing careers.
I believe a lot of people nowadays regardless of age would benefit from posting on an online blog, just because it is so much easier to type away on mobile devices rather than carrying around a diary and a pen. If you want to keep something secret, you can always lock a post with a password or keep it safely tucked away in your drafts. It is easier to keep track of your entries, thanks to titles and timestamps. It is accessible whenever and wherever as long as there is an internet connection, and, to be honest, it is harder to get off the grid, especially in Korea. Even if you lose access to the internet, you can always write on your device to post later.
In comparison to a traditional paper diary, an online blog is just so much better. It is faster, easier to revise, more versatile and fun. So I recommend to you, how about starting an online blog than buying a diary in 2025?
'I Have Opinions' 카테고리의 다른 글
에블린 후편 작성 과제 (0) | 2024.12.05 |
Nickel and Dimed 독후감 (0) | 2024.11.14 |
Give Theatre a Chance (0) | 2024.10.15 |
Don’t Think of an Elephant 독후감 (0) | 2024.10.10 |
나는 누구인가 - 연안지대와 산 (1) | 2024.09.26 |
The only girl I've ever loved
내가 사랑한 유일한 여자애는
Was born with roses in her eyes
눈에 장미를 간직한 채 태어났지
But then they buried her alive
One evening, 1945
하지만 1945년의 어느 오후에 그들은 그녀를 생매장했어
With just her sister at her side
그녀 곁에는 그녀의 언니만이 있었고
And only weeks before the guns
All came and rained on everyone
총들이 모두에게 탄약을 퍼붓기 고작해야 몇 주 전이었지
Now she's a little boy in Spain
이제 그녀는 스페인의 어린 남자아이야
Playing pianos filled with flames
화염으로 채워진 피아노를 연주하고 있지
On empty rings around the sun
태양 주위를 도는 속 빈 고리 위에서
All sing to say my dream has come
모두가 나의 꿈이 이루어졌다고 말하기 위해 노래해
But now we must pack up every piece
Of the life we used to love
그러나 이제 우리는 우리가 사랑했던 삶의 모든 조각들을 싸매야 해
Just to keep ourselves
At least enough to carry on
단지 앞으로 나아갈 수 있을 정도만이라도 스스로를 지키려면 말이야
And now we ride the circus wheel
그리고 이제 우리는 서커스 바퀴를 타고
With your dark brother wrapped in white
너의 어두운 형제를 흰 천에 싸서
Says it was good to be alive
살아있어서 좋았노라 말하는데
But now he rides a comet's flame
하지만 이제 그는 유성의 불길을 타고
And won't be coming back again
다시는 돌아오지 않겠지
The Earth looks better from a star
지구는 별에서 바라볼 때 더 아름다워
That's right above from where you are
네가 지금 있는 곳의 바로 위에서 말이야
He didn't mean to make you cry
그는 너를 울리고 싶어하지 않았어
With sparks that ring and bullets fly
울리는 불씨와 날아드는 총알들과 함께
On empty rings around your heart
네 심장 주위를 도는 속 빈 고리 위에서
The world just screams and falls apart
세상은 그저 비명을 지르며 산산조각이 나지
But now we must pack up every piece
Of the life we used to love
그러나 이제 우리는 우리가 사랑했던 삶의 모든 조각들을 싸매야 해
Just to keep ourselves
At least enough to carry on
단지 앞으로 나아갈 수 있을 정도만이라도 스스로를 지키려면 말이야
And here's where your mother sleeps
그리고 여기가 너의 어머니가 잠드는 곳이야
And here is the room where your brothers were born
그리고 여기는 너의 형제들이 태어난 방이야
Indentions in the sheets
침대보에 남은 움푹한 형체들
Where their bodies once moved but don't move anymore
더는 움직이지 않는 그들의 몸들이 언젠가 움직였던 곳
And it's so sad to see the world agree
정말로 슬픈 점은 세상이
That they'd rather see their faces filled with flies
그들의 얼굴이 파리로 가득한 것을 보고 싶다는 것에 동의한다는 거야
All when I'd want to keep white roses in their eyes
나는 그들의 눈에 흰 장미를 간직하고 싶은데 말이지
'Playlist' 카테고리의 다른 글
Swan Upon Leda (3) | 2025.01.05 |
Cleaning Out the Rooms (0) | 2024.12.20 |
Like Him (0) | 2024.12.02 |
forwards beckon rebound (0) | 2024.11.27 |
Father (4) | 2024.11.22 |